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Gut Health Tasmania

What is good
Gut Health?

What is good gut health?


  • Effective digestion and absorption of our food

  • Healthy bowel habits

  • No gastrointestinal problems

  • Balanced intestinal microbiota

  • Strong immune system



Healthy and happy gut signs:




Regular and pain-free bowel motions with a healthy bowel transit time


The normal amount of gas and bloating


Mental clarity


Robust metabolism


Manage stress


A healthy and happy gut not only influences digestion and bowel movements but it also has a huge impact on our overall health and well-being.


Colonic Therapy
Colonic Therapy
Colonic Therapy
Colonic Therapy
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Symptoms of Toxic Overload

Toxic overload can cause a number of changes in your body. In the early stages, your body will try to expel those toxins by any means necessary. You may experience diarrhoea, sneezing or coughing fits, excessive urination, sore throat, heartburn, nasal congestion or runny nose (from mucus overproduction), or vomiting.


Many people notice changes to their body odour or excessively oily skin, as well, since their bodies are acting to purge those toxins through their pores. As the toxins gradually accumulate in your system, you may also find impairment to some of your faculties. Most people experience fatigue, memory difficulties, sleep impairment, eczema (and other inflammatory conditions like gout), depression, or “brain fog

Colonic Therapy
Colonic Therapy
Colonic Therapy
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